Sunday, 30 December 2007

Teen Moms - We know who we are, do you?

"Who are teen mothers? We know who we are. We are individuals, each with our own story and our own dreams. We are women who had our babies in our teens. We know who we are...but do you? We hear people talk about us on the street, and in the store. We read about "teen mothers" in the paper. We wonder--"Who are they talking about?" This is what we hear and read: "Babies having babies." "I hope you're babysitting!" "Your life is over now." "How old was she when she had him?" "They just think their babies are dolls to dress up and show off!" "They will be welfare moms forever." They don't know us. Do you?

If you did, this is what you would learn...We are individuals, and our lives are not over. Many of us stay in our high schools, vocational schools, and colleges, and we intend to finish. We are confident that we can reach our goals.

We look upon parenting as a challenge, not an obstacle; we are committed to our children and don't take the job of parenting for granted. We seek information and help when we need it. Of course, we like to show our babies off (What parent doesn't?). We are rightfully proud of them, not ashamed, and we know they are not dolls. We love the individuals they are, and we are excited and pleased to see them grow and develop

We are excellent role models for our children because we are working hard to attain our goals. And our children are not doomed or deprived because we are young. They are happy and smart, loved and cared for very much. You'd see that if you really took the time to observe before you judged us because of our age.

So--please don't talk about us as we pass. If you are so concerned, talk with us and listen.

If you are a parent, you'll find we share many of the same concerns, joys, and challenges. Be role models for us--save your negative comments and your unasked-for advice. Give us information and good access to birth control. But remember that a high percentage of all pregnancies are unplanned, and some of these will be teen pregnancies. All the posters in the world will not make us go away.

You can help us do our best by continuing to provide us with emotional and educational support--peer support groups and programs that help us stay in school make a difference in our lives. Support quality subsidized child care programs so that we can work and/or go to school. Support parent education and family recreation programs that are affordable, with child care onsite. Support temporary shelters for women with children ­as we struggle to become independent we sometimes need a safe place to stay for awhile.

And most of all, acknowledge and appreciate us for our commitment to the challenging job of parenting.

We know who we are. We are building good lives for ourselves and our children. We can struggle and do it alone, or you can lend us your confidence and assistance. You can continue to view us as statistics or as part of an epidemic social problem, or you can look beyond the stereotypes and know us for who we are...

We are young mothers, each of us with our own story and our own dreams!!"

Just have to add - I did not write this myself, but it is oh so true :-) Lauren xo

Friday, 28 December 2007

It'll all feel better after a few cups of coffee.

Ahh my head.

Ok... well.. yesterday was me and Kevin's 2 year wedding anniversary :D It was also our first wedding anniversary together because last year he was in Iraq.

It was perrrrrfect. I am so lucky I have the most fantastic husband in this world!

He got me a ring as a 2nd anniversary gift. It is so BEAUTIFUL I am in love with it! Totally in love! It has my birthstone (turquoise) in and is sooo sparkly... I loveee it and I'm not usually a girlie type of girl but hell this is beautiful! Here is a pic, I never wanna take it off!

Beautiful huh?

Well anyway.. Lily stayed with my friend Jenny (lovee you chick!) last night and all day yesterday so we had the day to ourselves!

We decided to pack out and go out for a picnic because it didn't look too cold. It was lovely we sat by the lake and just talked about stuff (heh), it was lovely, but... cold. LOL we ended up getting back in the truck and just sitting in there for a while!

We went for a drive and then came home at about 4. Got ready and got a taxi out for dinner! Dinner was so nice it was so romantic and Kevin got me roses. Awww.. I love it when he gets romantic too!

We went to the club after that I was so happy I got in... :D When we were waiting I saw they were turning people away (they were so obv. like 16 but still xD) and I told Kevin to get out his ID and have it ready and just hope that when they saw him they would let me in too! But when we got up there they just waved us on in. I don't know if they saw his ID in his hand or not but they definitely didn't ask to see it!

Heres a pic of us in there.. before I got toooo drunk for pics hah!

I loook older than 21 huh? Yeahhhh!

Ok well we played pool and stuff and it was really nice and then got our own smokey corner LOLOL and tbh I can't remember much after that anyway... I have vague memories but hey that's for me to know!!!

But now... remind me never ever ever ever to drink ever ever ever again. Yeah.

Oh yeah and he got me a balloon too, which Lily LOVES. A big heart one I picked her up from Jennys like just before I started this blog and since we got home she's been running round holding it! I can't wait to take pics of her with it later!!

Lauren xx

Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Happy Holidays!

From Kevin, Lauren and Lily! Hope you all had a fantastic day!

Monday, 24 December 2007

What is love?

OK... well anyway I had a great day yesterday it was awesome just Me, Kevin and Lily. We went out for dinner and Lily slept most of it anyway, so we got a good chatting time! & I took a few pics specially for y'all!
"FISH" - Lily's favorite thing!

Mini me?

Kisses.... mwah!

Blurry...... loving the surprised loook!

Kev thinks she looks like zoolander here!

My family.... I love you two.

These two are the people I live for...

Which is the reason why I wanna dedicate this blog to the most fantastic guy in this world..... who I celebrated being with for 4 years yesterday.

The best 4 years of my life.

Kevin - I love you always :-)

True love costs many things.... and I feel the most blessed person in the world to have it.

I love it when he tickles my toes...
Makes me giggle..
I love it when we have play arguments.. just to make up.
When we stay in all day.. just so we don't have to see anyone else except each other.
He can wipe away my tears... even from the other side of the world.
He makes me smile without even trying.
He blows kisses to me when he's only a few metres away...
&& he gave me the greatest gift in this world..
The most beautiful little girl ever... :D

Ok enough sopppynesss now.. but I love you baby!

Oh yeah, and a sneak peeek of what we got up to last night... mhmm ;-)

Heh... Love y'all, Lauren xo

Sunday, 23 December 2007

19 today!

Happpy Birthday to Me!

So I have been up since about 6 oclock, excited! Talk about acting like a small child, immature behaviour eh?

I have only opened the presents from my family so far :

My sister got me some make up, from avon I think.
My brother got me DVDs : Shawshank Redemption and Blades of Glory, and also a Lifehouse CD, all very coool :-)
My parents gave me some money and then also a load of stuff so that I can start scrapbooking! It all looks so cool I can't wait to get stuck into it! So if any of you are reading this, THANKYOU!

and anyone else who got me presents I just haven't had a chance to look at yet thank you so much in advance!

Last night I had a night out with some of the girls, it was great, we had a great time and today I'm going out with Kevin and Lily for dinner and then we're not just having a night in. Yeah I hope Lily goes to sleep early hmmm... ;-)

I willl post pictures later, I hope y'all don't mind getting a blog with no pictures but the ones from last night are only crappy ones from my cell because I didn't want to take my good camera, but today I'll get some!

Lauren xo

Friday, 21 December 2007

My first post!

Ok - it has taken me a while to get a blog, but after reading about a few girls on babycenter having it, I now have a blog. Hey you girls inspired me to actually write my thoughts and feelings and what I actually do with my life :-)

I am Lauren, I am 18 years old. 19 in 2 days time. That means I was born on 23rd December 1988! I guess I'll start from the beginning!

I was born as the 2nd child of Ray and Michelle Gallego, a little sister to Adan! When I was 4 years old, my younger sister Cassie arrived! Growing up I had a good life, we lived in a few different places. I was born in Laredo, we moved to Austin and San Antonio for my Dad's work before coming back to Laredo to settle. I did things most kids did growing up, I loved playing outside, I was a real tomboy for a while!

When I was about 12 years old, I started going down a different route. I became more of a rock chick and got interested in boys! Aged 13 I lost my virginity, something I deeply regret. But things happen! I got to love going out with my friends and drinking, thinking I was far older than I actually was!

My life changed at the end of 2003 when I started dating my wonderful husband Kevin! He was a friend of my brother's and we met at my birthday / Christmas party.
My brother invited a few friends round because it was Christmas and things went on from there! He become the greatest thing in my life, and still is to this day! When I am weak he makes me strong, and he is my hero in every way!

Life changed dramatically for me at the end of September 05. I found out I was pregnant. I was 16 and VERY scared. I didn't know what to do and was paranoid with what people's perceptions of me would be. I was scared of Kevin leaving me, or my family deserting me. But they didn't, Kevin promised to always stand by me, and although my family were disappointed in me, they stuck by me. Kevin's family were not so helpful and although his sisters supported him in what he was doing, his parents were very disappointed in him, and we lost a lot of contact with them for a while. Due to me now being pregnant, my parents suggested we get married or something. At the time I think we were pressured into it, but my parents only wanted the best for us and thought it would be better if I was married before the baby was born, as they are religious. We married on 27th December 2005, and although now I realise we may not have had to rush into it, our wedding was perfect in every way. Kevin was upset his parents did not attend, but it was their loss to miss such a perfect day.

I had quite a straight forward pregnancy. I was lucky in that although I felt like I was massive, looking at pictures, I didn't show much until the very end. It was hard being pregnant and still being at school, but it was worth it for me. I was determined to finish my final year, despite probably having a newborn baby. At 22 weeks, we found out that the little bean inside me was a GIRL! We were all extremely excited and I couldn't wait for her to arrive!

My EDD of April 26th 06 came and passed with nothing except a few BH! I was so impatient and tired of being pregnant by this stage! We tried everything and finally on 5th May 2006, with my Mom and Kevin by my side, I gave birth to a beautiful 8lb, 21.5ins baby girl, whom we named Lily.

Lily's are my favorite flowers, and it just seemed to fit her so perfectly, as she is a beautiful little flower who lights up our lives :-)

Kevin, who had joined in army in late 05, got news he would be sent away on deployment in November 06. We were distraught, it was to be a 13 month deployment and he would miss so much of our newborn daughter's life. But he did what he had to do, and with tears, we said goodbye on November 2nd 06.

I struggled on, making it through being a single Mom. Life was hard but I knew Kevin was there struggling away in Iraq, and I promised myself I would show all those people wrong who had ever doubted us, I think I did a pretty good job.

Kevin returned on Novmber 27th 2007, one of the best days of my life. I was so glad to see him again and have my heart complete!

Lily is now 19 months old and a beautiful, energetic toddler! She has her cranky moments, but is very much loved and we cannot imagine our lives without her! She is by far the best thing to happen to me, and I thank God every day for giving me such a wonderful husband and daughter!

Love yall, Lauren xox